Friday, April 9, 2010

Good Enough

 Go to the author's webpage

1 comment:

  1. The setting for my novel is, what I guess, is medevil times. It doesn't say where or when. It's more of a madeup type of place in the world. I believe the setting is really important though. It shows what kind of things they do, it's not modern. Well, I only really notice one main character. Katsa. The female graceling. I don't recall too much about how she looks, only her eyes are one blue, one green. She thinks she isn't normal. Which, really she isn't. But because of her grace, nearly everyone fears her. People don't want to get to know her, they're afraid of her grace. She, is also afraid of it. Instead she controls it. She isn't very open about herself and keeps things to herself.

    Lindsay B
