Friday, April 9, 2010

Playing with Matches

 Go to the author's webpage


  1. lucas k wilkens 7th

    the setting takes place in misssouri and all the places described in the book ive been too. so its great to live the story first hand and go to the places and see the story for real. the setting was perfect for this story because ive lived in this place for years and ive ssen many things like this story so its just like a friends memory. the setting was perfect. the setting consist of places in st.petres, midrivers, cottleville, st.charles, francis howell and fort zumwalt.

  2. wilken 7th lucas k
    i would very much recommend this book to all my friends. the book has a great story and lots of twists to it. just one small thing could set off a whole new turn in the story and it happens alot and its just a great story and a very short read.
